One Hundred Civic Federation Board members and guests heard Illinois Governor Pat Quinn's presentation about the State of Illinois' finances and budget challenges in the wake of a severe downturn in the economy. Governor Quinn discussed his budget proposal and outlined his plan to reform pension benefits. The Governor asked the Federation to help him promote the implementation of a two-tiered pension benefit structure. He also discussed his capital priorities and ethics initiative. Governor Quinn concluded by answering a number of questions from attendees.
Illinois Governor Pat Quinn discusses the state's budget and finances
Governor Quinn and Civic Federation Chairman Thomas J. McNulty chat briefly after the Governor's speech
(L to R) Past Civic Federation Chairman and JPMorgan Chase Senior Vice President Barbara Stewart; Civic Federation Board members Margaret Houlihan, Director of State and Local Government Affairs for United Airlines, and Brian Bernardoni, Director of Governmental Affairs for the Chicago Association of Realtors; and guest Dan Sprehe from JP Morgan Chase
Civic Federation President Laurence Msall talks with Civic Federation Board members (L to R) Elizabeth Gallagher Coolidge, Managing Director of Siebert, Brandford, Shank and Co., LLC, and Adrienne Archia, Managing Director of Rice Financial Products Company
Meeting attendees in the Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg conference room